Monday, July 18, 2011

4 Out Of 4 Aint Too Bad...

Great hometowns and not many an awkward moment. Ames sister is a little hard core sell and JP's mom Ilene was a little clingy, Constantine's mom wanted to make sure Ashley wouldn't be taking her baby away and Ben's mom looked like a less Jewish version of Babs Streisand. Other then that, no weird skeletons in anyone's closet and good times all around.

Ames is a sort of a strange dude. I like him, I absolutely do but tonight I felt it very difficult to get passed his teeth and forehead. Together Ashley and Ames would have children with very large foreheads..could be why he didn’t get a rose. I felt horrible for him in the limo…he was so shaken but he still managed to speak so eloquently. He is such a strange mix…it almost seems as if he has taken a huge rip off of a bong and just sort of floats on through. His family was fine and his homestead was gorgeous. It clearly came down to the lack of chemistry and the fact that when he kisses her you can almost see his tongue darting back and forth…there’s a good visual ;) I am glad that he got to stay so long and I hope the kids who were mean to him at boarding school are seeing what a good guy he really is…regardless of the “duh” glazed look at all times.

Constantino! Costa! Tino! I love when a Greek man owns an Italian restaurant but I have to say the salad was very Greek looking. Who knew that he owned an eatery? Good for him! Great family, beautiful sister and lots of fun. How cute was his dad? I loved him and his little gap in his teeth…like Constantino’s. I don’t know that I see Ashley ending up with him but they do have some great chemistry and if not for anything else it seems like Constantine is opening up. I hope Ashley was smart enough to pick up some of those bills and pocket them. Why not?

JP…I know that there is solid chemistry and if anyone can get in the way of Ben he might be the one but I just don’t think he is right and I would seriously question his past relationships and why he is still single. I can see she is but doesn’t really want to go there too much because she is afraid of what she might find. …ummm…WARNING. His family was cute but strange that we heard nothing from his dad. I don’t know if Ash is Jewish but there is a small chance that someone might be breaking a glass under the Huppah in the near future…mazel tov! How killer was the Bar Mitzvah picture of him at the end? Nice mullet. Speaking of the Jewish stuff, did anyone else have him pegged as an Irishman? JP? Ilene? Patrick? Only his brother Roy stumped me but I just thought he got stuck with some family name. Imagine my shock when Bar Mitzvah was mentioned…oye vey!

Saved my best for last because he is so that…Ben. Is it just me or does anyone else want to wrap him up in their arms and squeeze him close and make all of his hurt go away? Okay, that might be extreme, but I do want to hug him. How cool is he? His emotional breakdown was so raw and was hard to watch….again, wrap him up. Just such a good guy. I will not question why he has only ever brought one girl home…. I love that he makes wine and that he is so soulful and open in talking with Ashley…I hope she realizes what a catch he is. I know his family is so small and I do get the feeling that she is looking for bigger but it seems like his mom and sister are lovely and she could certainly do worse. A big family for her might be overwhelming since she isn’t used to it but on the flip side, his mom and sister could be difficult as a team down the road….who knows. I vote for Ben F. and she would be dumb to pass him by (which means she probably will).

Love the scenes for next weekend. Any time two sisters start to argue especially one who is covered in tats (totally forgot about that from the Brad hometown visit) and the words “you’re being a total bitch” gets flung around, I get all nostalgic for the old days growing up with my 2 sisters…good times. I am sure their parents are going to just love that they acted that way on national television…such a proud moment. Regardless, we are getting down to the nitty gritty and I am looking forward to it.

Is there not going to be a Men Tells All? Usually it comes before the Finale but I have seen nada. However I did see that the Jake and Vienna show aka Bachelor Pad will be firing up on 8/8. Now that is some quality programming and of course, we are all looking forward to it. I wonder whatever became of Kip-Ten? That is where it all started…more endless romances to look forward to...

Okay…so who will it be? I say Ben and JP for sure as the Final 2 and really from there it is anyone’s guess. Doesn’t really matter though because I am sure by the time the winner is revealed we will read that they are done….unless of course it is Ben~


  1. I agree Amanda! Love, love, love Ben. I hope he is the one in the end. I think it will come down to JP and Ben. I have to say that tonight was the first night I could actually tolerate Ashley. She asked good questions and didn't annoy me with her whiney drama. Lets hope it is smooth sailing from here.

    Keep the blog coming! I really enjoy it!


  2. And if it is not Ben, is he too soulful and normal and intraspective and classy to be the Bachelor?? Christine
