Monday, March 14, 2011

Is It Over Before It Even Begins???

So for times sake I am choosing to blog as I watch the show. This is a difficult way to sum up but since I am out of town for my "real" job and I can't stay up for hours after the show typing I thought that this would be the quickest way to get this blog up and posted.

Hard to believe that this is it...another season coming to an end. Where does the time and all the women go? Moneyball, Jackie and Keltie who? Exactly! So, I have been so sure of Chantal but all of the media has got me wavering here. In my heart of hearts I think that Chantal is the best choice...that they would have the best chance as a couple. I feel strongly that the kid factor at this accelerated dating pace would be a much harder situation to make work but Brad is so obviously besotted with Emily and as my husband said...Emily is a girl that Brad probably couldn't get on his own, without this situation and he could get a Chantal anytime.

I love a boy who cries when he sees his mama. Good 'ol boy in the house y'all! Wow, that was an emotional reunion. So after a season of fluff and time filler they sure didn't waste any time here. Ding Dong...Chantal is at the door...

Chantal came in and did her thing. She is "precious" as Pam said. The family loves her but when they all shared with Brad how amazing they think Chantal is he didn't give too much away. She fits...she works 100% with his all seems so ideal, so right, so perfect....

and in walks Emily...nervous little Emily...her hands were shaking! It would have been nice for all the awkward reasons that I don't need to recap on if the family had been prep'd on Emily's background...that was a little rough but clearly a moment that the Bachelor people would never lose out on. She was so subdued and calm to Chantal's giddiness and playfulness but yes, she is a lady and a lovely one at that. You couldn't get 2 more opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to these women. A side note; what is the bracelet that Em always wears that blings out JRH? Hendricks is her first love Ricky's last name (H) and that also sums up the R...not sure what the J stands for. IF she is wearing a bracelet that spells the initials of her lost love while persuing her potential husband, we need to stop and think about that. It could be a bracelet for Ricky Tick but I am wondering...

Seriously...swimming with sharks? C'mon. He is so mean when it comes to Chantal. Talk about pushing this girl to her limits. As if the snakes, eating an unknown bug and lack of toilet haven't been enough. I would tell him to F off...seriously. And all she gets out of it is "you are a brave woman. A really, really brave woman." Emily got "I am falling in love with you too Em." If I am Chantal and I am watching this back, I am feeling scorned and you know what they say about HELL and A WOMAN SCORNED. Amen Sister!

Excuse me but is Brad wearing a short sleeve mock turtleneck? Perhaps the t-shirt is just coming up a little high on the neck? Let us hope so. I loved her letter and the honesty that is and always has been Chantal. Brad could barely look at her after he read her letter aloud. Asking her if she is okay and barely kissing her on the mouth and going for her forehead instead are all telltale signs that Em might be the one.

So, Em is wearing a womans size Med. shirt with a belt. Only she can get away with that...the boots too. Here we go...up in a helicoptor again. God, that dress is the wrong choice for this date and again, hands all over her hair. She really laid it out there...being a bonus Daddy is different then being cool Uncle Brad. She was right in telling him that sometimes it isn't perfect, or easy and not always fun. Those of us who are parents can all drink to that. Did Emily just tell Brad that she loved meeting his parents? Ummm, there was no father present...hasn't been for a long time..! While he is trying to explain to Emily what he thinks it means to be a real father (a TOTALLY fair question) I noticed that he again is wearing a mock turtle...please stop. He is being a big fat baby right now too. Can you not handle the questions that Emily has? What is your problem? Her questions are appropriate and necessary and fair. Why is he trying to turn this around on her by asking her if she is ready? UUGGGHHHHHHH! Get over your defeated pain in the ass. is the mock turtle that is making you hot you dumb ass.

He may be struggeling in the shirt category but the ring he chose certainly is amazing. Both of these girls are so invested and either way it goes these are 2 great ladies. The white dress of Em is certainly a stark contrast to Chantal's black. All signs are pointing to Emily...

Let me take this commercial break to tell you all how blah I think this finale is. While thinking back on the season, we realize that there has been a hot tub absence again. Not that I love the down and dirty (sometimes pillow over the eyes) those moments bring but it certainly leaves out a lot to rip on. Show is back on and the moment is here....

Black dress with feathers on the shoulder is exiting the limo...I guess at this point I am not shocked. Brad...stop talking and cut to the chase. Ohhhh...poor girl....I hate this part. Stop asking her if she is alright. No you shithead she is not alright. She fell in love with you and now you picked someone else over her. She has to get back on the plane and fly like 24 hours alone back home. Rumor has it that she went on a date with Aaron Rodgers so she clearly has moved on...that's right Chantal. You go and date all the hottie Superbowl quarterbacks that you can get your hands on. Nothing mends a broken heart like a good romp with a famous millionaire. You're going to be just fine.

Out steps the vision in white and Brad is nervous. I appreciated his heartfelt speech when it wasn't being peppered with throat clearing and gasping. Probably the most subdued proposal ever and strangely enough no presentation of the Final Rose. I teared up (of course) through the Marry Me montage and in the end my heart felt good.

So on to After The Final Rose and now my heart doesn't feel so good. Chantal despite the love of a Superbowl Millionaire Quarterback still cried and got emotional. Consider yourself spared Honey! We have found out that not all is amazing and rosey in Loveland. Emily is not wearing her ring and since I feel like I have to be right about something here I knew that this relationship was going to be tough and face its struggles. I am hopeful for them but I am not sure if they are going to make it. Who is this girl and what happened to our sweet, lovely Emily? Is it just me or is she being a bit selfish and self- righteous here? Why are these girls always so shocked and pissed when they watch the show back? I know they have seen the show and know what they are signing up for. Get over it. I think we are seeing a different side of Em and I am not so sure if it is a side I like. Time will tell but it isn't looking to solid from here.

Oh yay,lets bring out the experts... the bonus Bachelor couples. Trista and Ryan (dead horse, been beaten), Molly aend Jason (talk about solid starts) and Ali and Roberto (nope, not married yet). I guess they all had some meaningful words and a perspective that we can't begin to imagine but I am still not holding my breath for a wedding anytime soon.

So, just when it seems that there is a beginning it appears that there might already be an end. Once again, I am fine to be proven wrong. I swear this show is a freaky roller coaster ride. One of those that hurts your tummy so much that you want to get off but the feeling is just tickly enough to keep you laughing and going. So, with that said, I guess we will stay on until we puke. Meet you in line in May.....

1 comment:

  1. Amanda - I so agree with all of this. I knew you wouldn't miss Em's shirt dress but I am shocked there was nothing on the teeth rubbing. Did she just get that smile re-veneered cause she rubbed her tongue over those teeth like a million times during ATFR And how many times can you say, I love ewww, BUT..."
    I was horrified she kept harping on Monday nights - then STOP WATCHING!! You won lady.
    Actually, I think Chantal and Ashley H won. Thnaks for the excellent reading material - see you in May. Well, probably sooner huh?!
